walā tankiḥū mā nakaḥa ābāukum mina l-nisāi illā mā qad salafa innahu kāna fāḥishatan wamaqtan wasāa sabīla
And (do) not marry whom married your fathers of the women except what has passed before, indeed it was an immorality and hateful, and (an) evil way.
AND DO NOT marry women whom your fathers have previously married - although what is past is past: this, verily, is a shameful deed, and a hateful thing, and an evil way
And marry not those women whom your fathers married, except what hath already happened (of that nature) in the past. Lo! it was ever lewdness and abomination, and an evil way
And marry not women whom your fathers married,- except what is past: It was shameful and odious,- an abominable custom indeed
Do not marry former wives of your fathers—except what was done previously. It was indeed a shameful, despicable, and evil practice.
Do not marry women that your fathers married- with the exception of what previously took place: this was an immoral deed and a hateful thing and leads to evil.
Do not marry women whom your fathers married, except for what has already taken place in the past. This is indeed a shameful deed, a loathsome thing and an evil practice
And marry not woman whom your fathers married, except what has already passed; this surely is indecent and hateful, and it is an evil way
And marry not women whom your fathers married unless it was in the past. Truly, it had been an indecency and repugnant and how evil a way!
Do not marry any women whom your fathers have already married, unless this is a thing of the past; it is a shocking act and disgusting, and the worst possible way.
And don’t marry woman whom your fathers married, except what has happened before. Indeed it was lewdness and admonition, and an evil way.
And marry not those women whom your fathers married, save for what is past. Truly it was indecent and loathsome, an evil way
Don’t marry the women your fathers had married, except what has already transpired; it’s an indecent act, shameful, and a vile path.
Do not marry women whom your fathers married, except what is already past. That is improper, indecent, and a bad custom
And take not in wedlock women whom your fathers took in (their) wedlock except (i.e., leaving as it is), what has already occurred; certainly it is shameful, and most hateful, and it became evil as a way
Do not marry those women whom your fathers had married, - except what happened prior to this commandment. - Surely it was shocking, disgusting, and an evil practice
And do not marry women that your fathers married, except what has already gone by; surely that is an obscenity and detestation, and an odious way
Do not marry, from now on, the ex-wives of your fathers for that custom was sinful, loathsome, and abominable
Do not marry those women whom your fathers had married except what has passed. It is indeed shameful and detestable, and it is an evil practice
Marry not women whom your fathers have ever married, except what has already happened in the Age of Ignorance. Doing such was a shameful and abominable custom indeed
Do not wed the women, whom your father (or grandfather) had married. But whatever has already happened (in the past), has happened. That is indeed a lewd deed, an abominable act, a profane practice
And marry not women whom your fathers married— Except what is past: It was shameful and offensive— A very unpleasant custom indeed
And do not marry those [women] whom your fathers married, except what has already occurred. Indeed, it was an immorality and hateful [to Allah ] and was evil as a way
And do not marry who your fathers had married from the women, except what has already been done. It is an immorality, and an abhorrence, and an evil path.
Do not marry women that your fathers married- with the exception of what is past- this is indeed a shameful thing to do, loathsome and leading to evil
And wed not of women those whom your fathers had wedded, except that which hath already passed. Verily it hath been an indecency and an abomination and an evil way
And do not wed the women your fathers had wed. What happened in the past is now past: It was lewd and abhorrent, and only the way of evil
Do not marry any women your fathers married — except for what may have already taken place. That is an indecent act, a loathsome thing and an evil path.
And do not marry the women whom your fathers married – except what has happened (of that sort) in the past (before your conversion: such occurrences are forgivable provided you rectify your conduct and terminate any such contract of marriage). This was indeed a shameful deed and hateful thing, and how evil a way
Do not marry any of the women whom your fathers had married, excluding what is already past. That is indeed an indecency, an outrage and an evil course
And do not marry women your fathers married - except what has already happened - for it is an abominable and hateful practice, and an evil way
And do not marry women that your fathers married (their ex-wives), except what has already passed. Indeed, it is indecent and disgusting and a bad way.
Do not marry women whom your fathers married, except what has undoubtedly passed. It was immoral and detestable, an abominable custom indeed
Do not marry women who your fathers married, except if such a marriage has already taken place; from now on it would count as gross indecency, vile, and leading to evil consequences.
Do not marry the women whom your fathers married, although what is past is past. This indeed was a shameful deed, a hateful thing, and an evil way
And do not marry who your fathers had married from the women, except what has already been done. It is a lewdness, and an abhorrence, and an evil path.
And marry not those women whom your fathers married, past cases excepted. That practice was indeed an obscenity, abhorrence and an evil way of life
And do not marry those women whom your fathers have married, except what has already passed. Undoubtedly, that is an act of indecency and wrath and an evil way.
Do not marry the women who were previously married to your fathers - existing marriages are exempted and shall not be broken - for it is a gross offense, and an abominable act.
And do not marry women your fathers married unless it is a thing of the past surely that was an indecency, hated, and a way of evil
And marry not women whom your fathers married, except what has already passed. This surely is indecent and hateful; and it is an evil way
And do not marry what your fathers married from the women, except what had preceded/passed, that it was an enormous/atrocious deed , and abhorrence/hateful , and (it is an) evil way/path
It is a sin to marry your father’s ex-wife (a shameful and disgusting tradition of the days of ignorance) unless it has happened before the revelation of this law
And do not marry the women who were wedded to your fathers (and grand fathers), except what has already passed; that is indeed an act of shame and great wrong; and an evil way
And marry not those women whom your fathers married, except what has already passed. It is a thing foul and hateful and an evil way
And do not marry women whom your fathers and forefathers married. But that which has passed (before this command is forgiven). It is indeed highly indecent, infuriating and an evil custom
And marry not those women whom your fathers had married, except what had already passed (- you shall not be called to account for what you did in the past, only you have to divorce them now); for it is a thing highly indecent and repugnant and an evil practice
And marry not women whom your fathers married, except what has already passed; indeed it was shameful and most hateful, and an evil way
And do not marry women that your fathers married, unless it be a thing of the past; surely that is indecent and hateful; an evil way
Marry not women, whom your fathers have had to wife; -- except what is already past: -- For this is uncleanness, and an abomination, and an evil way
And do not marry women your fathers married,- except bygones,- for it is abominable and hateful, and an evil way
And marry not women whom your fathers have married: for this is a shame, and hateful, and an evil way: though what is past may be allowed
You shall not marry the women whom your fathers married: all previous such marriages excepted. That was an evil practice, indecent and abominable
And do not marry those which your fathers had married from among the women except that which has already gone by. Truly that indeed is a great offence and a despicable act and a way most abominable.
Do not get married to those women whom your fathers got married, except for what has already passed. Most assuredly that tradition was debauchery, hateful and evil way.
And do not marry women whom your fathers married, except what has gone before, for it is an indecency, abhorrence and bad way.
Do not marry women who were married to your fathers. An exception is made for whatever is in the past. Truly, it was a disgusting and hateful deed. It was a sinful practice.
And do not marry women whom your fathers had married, except what has already passed. Indeed, that has been an obscenity and loathsome and an evil way.
Do not marry any women whom your fathers have already married, unless this is a thing of the past; it is a shocking act and disgusting, and the worst possible way.
And do not request to shag what your fathers were shagged among the women, except what has already passed? Surely it was obscenity, and hateful, and a bad pathway.
Do not marry women whom your fathers have previously married, unless it be a thing of the past. Surely, that is an indecent, abominable and evil practice.
Do not marry women who your fathers married. Except the past (except what has already occurred in the past). Undoubtedly this is immoral and hateful. Indeed, an awful custom!
And do not marry women whom your father married, except what has already passed; verily it is indecent and hateful and it is an evil way
And do not marry the women whom your fathers (deceased or divorced) have married before; Allah shall drop into oblivion what happened in the past. This incestuous union has been regarded by Allah as-an immoral act, a degrading vice and an evil line of conduct
And do not marry those women whom your fathers had married, (there is an) exception to what has already happened in the past, it was certainly indecent and hateful and an evil way.
And do not marry women your fathers married, except bygones, indeed it was an immorality and hateful, and an evil way.
And marry not women whom your fathers married,- except what is past: It was shameful and odious,- an abominable custom indeed
And (do) not marry whom married your fathers of the women except what has passed before, indeed it was an immorality and hateful, and (an) evil way
Wala tankihoo ma nakaha abaokum mina alnnisa-i illa ma qad salafa innahu kana fahishatan wamaqtan wasaa sabeelan
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